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Opening uploads/ender v2 sonic pad.curaprofile

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Parameter Default fdmprinter Value Profile 1 base
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Profile 2 base
Profile 2
Label Description
line_width0.40.4---Line WidthWidth of a single line. Generally, the width of each line should correspond to the width of the nozzle. However, slightly reducing this value could produce better prints.
wall_thickness0.81.2---Wall ThicknessThe thickness of the walls in the horizontal direction. This value divided by the wall line width defines the number of walls.
z_seam_cornerz_seam_corner_innerz_seam_corner_weighted---Seam Corner PreferenceControl whether corners on the model outline influence the position of the seam. None means that corners have no influence on the seam position. Hide Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an inside corner. Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur on an outside corner. Hide or Expose Seam makes the seam more likely to occur at an inside or outside corner. Smart Hiding allows both inside and outside corners, but chooses inside corners more frequently, if appropriate.
ironing_enabledTrue---Enable IroningGo over the top surface one additional time, but this time extruding very little material. This is meant to melt the plastic on top further, creating a smoother surface. The pressure in the nozzle chamber is kept high so that the creases in the surface are filled with material.
infill_sparse_density2015.0---Infill DensityAdjusts the density of infill of the print.
infill_patterngridgrid---Infill PatternThe pattern of the infill material of the print. The line and zig zag infill swap direction on alternate layers, reducing material cost. The grid, triangle, tri-hexagon, cubic, octet, quarter cubic, cross and concentric patterns are fully printed every layer. Gyroid, cubic, quarter cubic and octet infill change with every layer to provide a more equal distribution of strength over each direction. Lightning infill tries to minimize the infill, by only supporting the ceiling of the object.
material_print_temperature210215.0---Printing TemperatureThe temperature used for printing.
material_print_temperature_layer_0215215---Printing Temperature Initial LayerThe temperature used for printing the first layer. Set at 0 to disable special handling of the initial layer.
material_initial_print_temperature200215---Initial Printing TemperatureThe minimal temperature while heating up to the Printing Temperature at which printing can already start.
material_final_print_temperature195215---Final Printing TemperatureThe temperature to which to already start cooling down just before the end of printing.
material_bed_temperature60-60--Build Plate TemperatureThe temperature used for the heated build plate. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated.
material_bed_temperature_layer_060-70--Build Plate Temperature Initial LayerThe temperature used for the heated build plate at the first layer. If this is 0, the build plate is left unheated during the first layer.
material_flow100100---FlowFlow compensation: the amount of material extruded is multiplied by this value.
speed_print60120---Print SpeedThe speed at which printing happens.
speed_travel120400---Travel SpeedThe speed at which travel moves are made.
speed_layer_03060---Initial Layer SpeedThe speed for the initial layer. A lower value is advised to improve adhesion to the build plate. Does not affect the build plate adhesion structures themselves, like brim and raft.
acceleration_enabled-False--Enable Acceleration ControlEnables adjusting the print head acceleration. Increasing the accelerations can reduce printing time at the cost of print quality.
acceleration_print30001500---Print AccelerationThe acceleration with which printing happens.
acceleration_travel50002000---Travel AccelerationThe acceleration with which travel moves are made.
acceleration_layer_030001000---Initial Layer AccelerationThe acceleration for the initial layer.
acceleration_skirt_brim30001500---Skirt/Brim AccelerationThe acceleration with which the skirt and brim are printed. Normally this is done with the initial layer acceleration, but sometimes you might want to print the skirt or brim at a different acceleration.
retraction_amount6.56.0---Retraction DistanceThe length of material retracted during a retraction move.
retraction_speed2525---Retraction SpeedThe speed at which the filament is retracted and primed during a retraction move.
retraction_combingall-noskin--Combing ModeCombing keeps the nozzle within already printed areas when traveling. This results in slightly longer travel moves but reduces the need for retractions. If combing is off, the material will retract and the nozzle moves in a straight line to the next point. It is also possible to avoid combing over top/bottom skin areas or to only comb within the infill.
retraction_hop_enabledTrue---Z Hop When RetractedWhenever a retraction is done, the build plate is lowered to create clearance between the nozzle and the print. It prevents the nozzle from hitting the print during travel moves, reducing the chance to knock the print from the build plate.
retraction_hop_only_when_collidesTrue---Z Hop Only Over Printed PartsOnly perform a Z Hop when moving over printed parts which cannot be avoided by horizontal motion by Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling.
cool_min_layer_time52---Minimum Layer TimeThe minimum time spent in a layer. This forces the printer to slow down, to at least spend the time set here in one layer. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer. Layers may still take shorter than the minimal layer time if Lift Head is disabled and if the Minimum Speed would otherwise be violated.
support_enable-False--Generate SupportGenerate structures to support parts of the model which have overhangs. Without these structures, such parts would collapse during printing.
support_structurenormal-tree--Support StructureChooses between the techniques available to generate support. "Normal" support creates a support structure directly below the overhanging parts and drops those areas straight down. "Tree" support creates branches towards the overhanging areas that support the model on the tips of those branches, and allows the branches to crawl around the model to support it from the build plate as much as possible.
support_tree_branch_diameter23---Tree Support Branch DiameterThe diameter of the thinnest branches of tree support. Thicker branches are more sturdy. Branches towards the base will be thicker than this.
support_tree_max_diameter1510---Tree Support Trunk DiameterThe diameter of the widest branches of tree support. A thicker trunk is more sturdy; a thinner trunk takes up less space on the build plate.
support_typeeverywhere-buildplate--Support PlacementAdjusts the placement of the support structures. The placement can be set to touching build plate or everywhere. When set to everywhere the support structures will also be printed on the model.
support_angle5065.0---Support Overhang AngleThe minimum angle of overhangs for which support is added. At a value of 0° all overhangs are supported, 90° will not provide any support.
support_patternzigzaglines---Support PatternThe pattern of the support structures of the print. The different options available result in sturdy or easy to remove support.
zig_zaggify_supportTrue---Connect Support LinesConnect the ends of the support lines together. Enabling this setting can make your support more sturdy and reduce underextrusion, but it will cost more material.
support_infill_rate1510---Support DensityAdjusts the density of the support structure. A higher value results in better overhangs, but the supports are harder to remove.
support_z_distance0.10.2---Support Z DistanceDistance from the top/bottom of the support structure to the print. This gap provides clearance to remove the supports after the model is printed. This value is rounded up to a multiple of the layer height.
adhesion_typebrim-brim--Build Plate Adhesion TypeDifferent options that help to improve both priming your extrusion and adhesion to the build plate. Brim adds a single layer flat area around the base of your model to prevent warping. Raft adds a thick grid with a roof below the model. Skirt is a line printed around the model, but not connected to the model.
brim_width85---Brim WidthThe distance from the model to the outermost brim line. A larger brim enhances adhesion to the build plate, but also reduces the effective print area.
brim_gap00.2---Brim DistanceThe horizontal distance between the first brim line and the outline of the first layer of the print. A small gap can make the brim easier to remove while still providing the thermal benefits.
raft_margin1510.0---Raft Extra MarginIf the raft is enabled, this is the extra raft area around the model which is also given a raft. Increasing this margin will create a stronger raft while using more material and leaving less area for your print.
raft_interface_layers12---Raft Middle LayersThe number of layers between the base and the surface of the raft. These comprise the main thickness of the raft. Increasing this creates a thicker, sturdier raft.
raft_base_thickness0.30.24---Raft Base ThicknessLayer thickness of the base raft layer. This should be a thick layer which sticks firmly to the printer build plate.
raft_speed2060.0---Raft Print SpeedThe speed at which the raft is printed.
wall_overhang_angle9035.0---Overhanging Wall AngleWalls that overhang more than this angle will be printed using overhanging wall settings. When the value is 90, no walls will be treated as overhanging. Overhang that gets supported by support will not be treated as overhang either.
wall_overhang_speed_factor10050.0---Overhanging Wall SpeedOverhanging walls will be printed at this percentage of their normal print speed.
name-Ender 3 V2 Sonic PadEnder 3 V2 Sonic Pad--
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